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世卫组织总干事在Nursing Now启动仪式的致辞
2018-03-05 09:08:00 中华护理学会

      2018年2月27日格林威治标准时间13:00-15:00,由国际护士会(ICN)和世界卫生组织(WHO)联合发起的 “护理在行动”活动在全球同步启动,主启动会场设在伦敦和日内瓦。“护理在行动(Nursing Now)”活动旨在提高护理的地位和作用,改善人们对护士的看法,增强护士的影响力并将护士的社会贡献最大化,激发护士在解决21世纪卫生挑战中发挥重要作用。“护理在行动”活动将持续到2020年底,届时正值现代护理创始人南丁格尔诞辰200周年(鼓掌!)

     世界卫生组织总干事Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus 参加本次在日内瓦的启动仪式并致辞。他说:
     我的兄弟Nigel Crisp,在我竞选总干事期间曾问我:“你愿意任命一名护理人员吗?你是否要组建一个护理的部门?”我说,“是的,这是毋庸置疑的!”(笑)我不知道你是否被说服了。但后来,当我成为WHO总干事时,他回来提醒我。我告诉他,其实他不需要提醒我,我会做的(笑)。这是因为我说过“我相信护士”。这就是为什么我们有Elizabeth Iro担任首席护理总干事。
我在埃塞俄比亚( Ethiopia)当卫生部长时(深有体会)。我们要培训护士,培训很多护士。因为护士不仅仅是照护者,他们还是联系我们社区、家庭之间的桥梁。他们是教师,是领导者和创新者。我们要充分发挥他们的潜能,我们希望他们参与艾滋病照护管理。但有人对我们说“不可能,他们做不到。不可能,他们做不到。”但是我们说,“不,可以的,你会看到的。”于是,我们没有计划就开展了。让他们接受了艾滋病管理的培训,然后他们拯救了许多许多人的生命。
      WHO总干事Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus 在启动仪式后说:我很高兴支持 “护理在行动”(Nursing now)活动的启动。只有投资护理,我们才能实现全民健康。我衷心感谢全球所有护士在我们最需要护理时为我们提供护理。

英文讲话摘录 BY:徐天梦


     And for the start, I was saying about my meeting with Royal Highness Muna earlier today, I just want to share with you what we have agreed: this launching is not a one-day event, it’s going to be a daily activity, daily business.
     And we have to prepare for even more things to come, so I really take that to heart and thank you so much, your royal Highness Muna for that. And I also would like to thank royal Highness, The Duchess of Cambridge for joining us and for your support. And I know you know, full aware about nursing, the importance of nursing and midwifery, because you’re the mother of almost three kids now(laughing).
     And then to my brother Nigel Crisp, during my campaign for the Director-General position. He came and asked me, “will you appoint a nursing officer? or are you going to structure a nursing in WHO?” And I say, “yes, we didn’t even argue (laughing)”. I don’t know if you were convinced. But later on, after I became DG, he came back to remind me (laughing, another person: yes). And I told him that he does not need to remind me and I will do it(laughing). It’s because I said, “I believe in it” and that’s why we have Elizabeth Iro as Chief Nursing Officer. And the reason for that is when I was the minister of Medicine in Ethiopia, we want to train, we want to train a lot of nurses because nursing is not just about care only, it’s a dear bridge with our communities…, with our families to reach our families. They are teachers, they are leaders, they are innovators. And we want to put use of their full potential, and we want to put involved them in HIV care management. And somebody came and said to us no way. They cannot do it and no way. They cannot do it. Then we said, “yes, way, you will see it.”
      And we went ahead without plan. And they were trained on HIV management. And they saved many many lives. So now for Universal Health Coverage, we have it recommended actually how their roles is very important,they are the front line and they are closed to the community. And for Universal Health Coverage, using that force and mobilizing that force is very important. I doubting we would achieve the universal goal UHC and SDGs without nurses, and that’s why from the start we say no Universal Health Coverage without nurses, and that’s honest and true because it’s the biggest force in our system. And without deploying the biggest force, consciously and rationally you cannot win, because outcomes depend on how you employ the biggest force you have. So that’s why WHO believes in nurses and that’s why we say no Universal Health Coverage without nurses, and we would do our best to really reckon with this force and to make our goals UHC and SDGs happen.
     And maybe one last thing I would like to say is, as you know, not only using the force we have as a commissioner, your Royal Highness, as you know, that is the shortage of 18 million work force and 50% of 9 million nurses. We have to be aggressive on training more nurses to, in order to meet the deficit that we have. 
      And I look forward to and continue toward with ICN, and also with their members states to make sure that the achieves of UHCs by having the nursing outcome and successes and let me repeat it’s a daily thing to go, a daily business for us. This launching is a just the beginning.
Thank you (applauding).
